Ithaca offers an abundance of falls to have your maternity session! But you may not feel up to a lot of hiking stairs and steep inclines, which is absolutely fine! That's why I recommend Taughannock Falls State Park. The walk to the falls is flat and safe for expecting Moms who are looking to incorporate water and natural elements for their maternity session.

Savannah had reached out to me looking to book a maternity session, she was considering Watkins Glen but truly do not recommend it for expecting Mothers because even with hiking shoes the stone stairs are really slippery and I've seen people fall hiking there. Once I told her that I had recommended Taughannock Falls, due to the trail being flat and safe for her and her Husband Gio. Savannah and Gio drove up from New Jersey and met me at the Park! We first did some photos with Cayuga Lake as the back drop by the concession stand. Then we walked across the street and headed on the main trail to the main falls. We made stops along the way that were beautiful backdrops for Savannah and Gio's maternity session.

Tap/Click here and reach out to book your maternity session! I would be honored to capture this beautiful moment in your life!